On Tuesday, October 2, the League of Women Voters hosted a public forum for the Hopkins School Board candidates.
It was wonderful to be invited and meet my fellow candidates. I got to sit next to the only incumbent running for re-election, Yvonne Selcer. She was first elected in 2003 and is the current Treasurer of the School Board. I sat most far from Irma Coleman, a veteran school administrator with experience at the state and district level. Candidate Wendy Donovan sat next to Irma, she is a parent inspirted to run, in part, by the closing of Katherine Current Elementary. Filling out the slate of candidates was Ellen Dustman, former member of the Legislative Action Committee and Dan Bloomquist, a philosopher and former legislative candidate who sat next to me to my left and graciously gave me his bottled water after I consumed mine!
The forum will be broadcast on local community cable access channels: please watch and invite your neighbors and children well. It would be a good exercise in civics!
The League moderated the forum, allowing each candidate an opportunity to reply first and last to a series of questions that were gathered from the audience and presented by the moderator. (A timer kept track of each candidate's time: my apologies to the League for running over with my time on several questions!!)
Here are the questions framed by the League. I will soon post notes of my responses, other candidate's comments, and my afterthoughts, so check back soon.
1. What do you consider to be the most important issue?
2.What has been the effect of No Child Left Behind?
3 Do you support vouchers?
4. What about the needs of special education students?
5. How important are class sizes?
6. What is your position on creationism and intelligent design?
7. What about meeting the needs of gifted students?
8. Does enrolling children in Hopkins District Schools qualify one person to be a better board member?
9. How important is parental involvement in education?
10. What more can Hopkins School District do to help students who are trying to stay sober?
11. On statewide rankings of 850 elementary schools, Hopkins Schools are ranked 80th, 223rd, 253rd, 260th, and 431st.
12. Teachers' contract
Closing Statement