Out of my longstanding concern for effective public education, and because of the unique experiences offered to me working with schools of all kinds these past fifteen years, I am a candidate for the Board of the Hopkins School District.
I offer my skills and qualifications to help Hopkins Schools succeed and thrive.
As one who has worked around schools since 1992. I've seen firsthand how schools and districts manage their mission and the challenges they face. I understand public education funding, fiscal restraint, compliance with state, federal, and local laws, and I have helped schools allocate their resources wisely. I know what makes schools successful and attractive to new students, and have contributed to growing schools that encourage strong academics for all students and foster family and community engagement.
Most of all, I understand the meaning of board leadership, fiscal oversight, setting goals, teamwork, performance, professionalism and accountability. I promise hard work, open communication, and stewardship of public resources towards great schooling.
Our children and those who support them deserve results.